Why Clad?
Savings and Performance
Metals the can be clad
How clad becomes clad
Anatomy of a metallurgical bond
Clad Solutions
EMS Thermostat Metals
Customer Support/Laboratories
Customer Support/Quality
Get started with clad
Why we're the #1 provider of clad metals
How to get started with clad

You may be wondering how you might use clad metal in your own products as a cost-effective material solution. We urge you not to limit your thinking, because no matter what design limitations you’ve faced in the past, clad metals offer you the opportunity  to create new products, enhance the performance of existing products, or lower your total cost of ownership by simplifying a manufacturing process.

As we’ve done with so many of our customers, we can help you determine your needs and the best way to go about meeting them. It’s possible that one of the hundreds and hundreds of clad combinations already available may fit your requirements exactly. But it’s likely you’ll need a tailored system, and we’re ready to work closely with you as a team member to design one that will perfectly meet your needs.