Why Clad?
Savings and performance
Metals that can be clad
How clad becomes clad
Anatomy of a metallurgical bond
Clad Solutions
EMS Thermostat metals
Customer support/Laboratories
Customer support/ Quality
Get started with clad
Why we're the #1 provider of clad metals


Customer-Driven Quality

Engineered Materials Solutions is dedicated to providing quality products and services to our customers. As part of this commitment we are certified to the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Standard. Through the deployment of recognized quality management methodologies, including Six-Sigma, Lean manufacturing and Total Productive Manufacturing, EMS remains tightly focused on delivering ever-improving value to our customers through continuous improvement of our overall organizational performance and capabilities.

Download our Quality Management System Manual.

Download our Massachusetts ISO Certificate of Registration.

Download our Pennsylvania ISO Certificate of Registration.

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